What are Geosynthetics?
Geosynthetics are synthetic products used to stabilize terrain. They are generally polymeric products used to solve civil engineering problems. This includes eight main product categories: geotextiles, geogrids, geonets, geomembranes, geosynthetic clay liners, geofoam, geocells, and geocomposites. The polymeric nature of the products makes them suitable for use on the ground where high levels of durability are required. They can also be used in exposed applications. Geosynthetics are available in a wide range of forms and materials. These products have a wide range of applications and are currently used in many civil, geotechnical, transportation, geoenvironmental, hydraulic, and private development applications including roads, airfields, railroads, embankments, retaining structures, reservoirs, canals, dams, erosion control, sediment control, landfill liners, landfill covers, mining, aquaculture, and agriculture.
How do geosynthetics work?
Though made for various functions and forms, geosynthetics provide the same purpose: to improve various infrastructure project designs, costs, and construction times. They stabilize the soil and reduce the impact water has on the soil. Geosynthetics can be buried underground, underwater, and built into walls without experiencing rapid biodegradation. It is a cost-effective alternative to other expensive stabilization methods such as dewatering, excavation, and replacement using chemical stabilization. Because of their durability, almost every manufacturing and building process can use geosynthetics. Here are just a few of the wide range of applications for geosynthetics in the civil and geotechnical markets:
• Roads, Highways & Bridges
• Airfields and runways
• Railroads
• Embankments
• Retaining Structures
• Reservoirs
• Canals
• Dams
• Erosion Control
• Sediment Control
• Landfill Liners
• Landfill Covers and capping
• Mining
• Agriculture
- Quality
- Accuracy
- Safety
- Reliance